Baptism and Life Passages
Infants, children, and adults can be baptized into the Lutheran faith. (Parents of infants and children will first meet with the pastor.) Baptism takes place during a regular Sunday worship service. For more information, please contact Pastor Jay at the church office, (201) 444-6598.
First Communion is offered to any child in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 - and any youth who has not yet had First Communion. The class will be taught by the Sunday School teachers during the Sunday School hour in the spring (dates TBD). The service of First Holy Communion will take place on Palm Sunday, April 2 during the 10AM worship service.
Confirmation is a 2-year program offered to those in 7th and 8th grade, and is taught by Pastor Jay every other Monday from 4:30PM to 6PM. Confirmation class is part of the overall Christian Education program and allows these students to come to a deeper understanding of their faith and mission in the world. They will study Luther's Small Catechism, the Bible, the Sunday worship service, the Creeds, and what it means to be a Christian and specifically, a Lutheran.